
AT the last AGM of 2021, Members of Nagrik SA have re-elected.

Following directors elected for three years and are continuing to serve the position for next year.

  1. Himal Rmajee : Chairman
  2. Sanjay Govind : Vice Chairman
  3. Kalpak Maniar : Chairman Emeritus

Mr. Kalpak Maniar : His immense efforts and under his vision NAGRIKSA has its presence till date.
The Chairman Emeritus serves in an advisory role to the president, president elect, and chapter, and provides guidance and expertise as a knowledgeable member of the Board of Directors (BOD). He advises on past practices and operations in accordance with the chapter bylaws.

Following directors elected for three years and are continuing to serve the position for next two year.

  1. Mr. Hitesh Adhia : Treasurer
  2. Mr. Bandish Gokal
  3. Mr. Ashok Karia

In terms of the board rotation policy contained in the constitution, retire in 2021 but members re-elected them

  1. Mr. Yash Mehta
  2. Mr. Naresh Parmar
  3. Mr. Sagar Mehta

All Board members (Directors) have sound governance and/or financial background and members are confident that the Directors have the skills and capabilities to strategically guide the Cooperative Bank in achieving its objectives.

The following board members have accepted to serve on the Board of Nagrik SA:
Board member Position/Role Qualification

Board memberPosition / RoleQualification
Himal RamjeeChairman, CreditB.Sc. (Computer Science)
Sanjay GovindVice Chairman, CreditB.Com. Law
Kalpak ManiarChairman EmeritusChartered Accountant (India)
Mr. Hitesh AdhiaTreasurer,CreditChartered Accountant (India)
Mr. Bandish GokalCreditBusiness Economics
Mr. Ashok KariaSavings & DepositB.Com.
Mr. Yash MehtaMarketingIndustrial Electronic Engineering, B.Tech.
Mr. Naresh ParmarSavings & DepositB.Com., LL.B., DTLP
Mr. Sagar MehtaMarketingB.Com.


Clause L of the Constitution. Board of Director, 1 : All directors shall be Members of the co-operative and must include the Manager. None of the directors, other than managing director may be employees of the co-operative.

Members elected Mr.Ajay Mandalia to serve the position as Managing Director, he is B.Sc. (Chemistry) and experience of Administration and Marketing & Sales.